Tired of feeling like your health is out of your control? Take it back with these essential books by top functional medicine doctors. Get ready to reclaim your health with this must-have list of titles!
Are you looking to reclaim your health and wellbeing?
Look no further than the books written by functional medicine doctors. These titles offer a wealth of knowledge to help you understand and support your body's natural healing processes. From dietary advice to lifestyle tips, these books can help you make informed decisions about your health and wellness.
Whether you're looking to learn about the benefits of a plant-based diet, the importance of sleep, or the power of mindfulness, these books by functional medicine doctors will provide you with the answers you need. From understanding the connection between food and inflammation to uncovering the secrets of gut health, these titles have the answers you need to start your journey to better health.
You don't have to be a medical professional to understand the information in these books. They are written in an accessible and easy-to-follow manner, so you can quickly get started on your path to better health. Plus, they provide practical advice and strategies that you can start implementing right away.
Ready to take control of your health and wellbeing? Check out these books by functional medicine doctors. With their help, you can start reclaiming your health and feeling your best. Exciting, isn't it? Read on to learn more about these titles and find the perfect one for you!
The Wahls Protocol by Dr. Terry Wahls, M.D.
In this fully updated and expanded edition, Dr. Terry Wahls presents a comprehensive guide on overcoming autoimmune conditions with functional medicine and nutrient-dense foods, drawing from her own experience as a doctor, researcher, and progressive multiple sclerosis sufferer. The Wahls Protocol has garnered widespread acclaim for transforming the lives of those with autoimmune diseases, and this revised edition incorporates the latest research to validate and strengthen the program.
The Wahls Protocol emerged from Dr. Wahls' personal journey to alleviate the debilitating symptoms of progressive MS. By integrating scientific knowledge with Paleo principles, she created a unique, nutrient-rich plan. This book not only shares her inspiring story of recovery but also details the program, backed by up-to-date research conducted at the University of Iowa.
This updated edition offers three distinct levels, allowing readers to select the modified Wahls Diet for beginners, the Wahls Paleo Diet for those ready to enhance their health, or the more intensive Wahls Paleo Plus Diet for aggressive treatment. Additionally, the newly introduced Wahls Elimination Diet can be incorporated to identify individual food sensitivities, ensuring a personalized dietary approach.
Featuring new recipes, insights on intermittent fasting, and information on the protocol's impact on the microbiome, The Wahls Protocol is a vital contribution to the whole food movement and serves as a powerful testament to the restorative power of food.
Promising Review of The Wahls Protocol on Amazon
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on July 20, 2014Verified Purchase Wahls admits in her first book, Minding my Mitochondria, that before MS she didn’t put a lot of stock into nutrition as medicine, and like most other doctors, really didn’t know much about nutrition at all. She relied on medical science-based treatments and interventions, which put great emphasis on pharmaceuticals. It wasn’t until she developed MS and became incredibly disabled, with modern science absolutely letting her down, that she became open to the idea that nutrition might be used as medicine—indeed it became her last resort. So what makes Terry Wahls so special that we should give her our attention when there are so many others out there with diet books, protocols, and theories? Not only is Wahls an MD (that specializes in traumatic brain injury), not only is her protocol based on science at a very fundamental and cellular level, but she herself suffers from an autoimmune disease. She’s one of us! She not only has the tools, the training, and the knowledge-base to do what many of us are unable, and that is to sift through the hundreds and thousands of scientific journals and research articles to come up with a protocol that works, but she has the motivation. She has absolutely everything riding on this. Furthermore, she uses proceeds from her book sales to help fund research projects to actually test her interventions so they may be backed (or refuted) by hard science. I'm not aware of any other authors out there who do this. Talk is cheap, but action speaks volumes—Wahls is taking action and she has become an ambassador for each and every one of us who suffer from autoimmune disease. With so many books out there on how to beat autoimmune, with such contradictory theories and protocols, it can be very overwhelming! Dr. Wahls is like a beacon of light guiding so many of us through this storm of disease and contradictory information, and her book is a lifeline. What an incredible gift she has given to this world, thank you Dr. Wahls!
Now it’s time for the book diet/lifestyle review:
There are three levels to the diet, which I really like, because her 3rd tier is definitely NOT for everyone. There are many who simply wouldn’t do it no matter how good or scientifically proven it is. Having the two lower tiers is great because Wahls reduces her plan into the most important elements, leaving the additional interventions for those who are especially motivated. My husband and I started this diet two weeks ago, I follow the 3rd tier (Paleo plus) and my husband follows the 2nd tier (Wahls Paleo). With the exception of eating organ meat, we are following these protocols almost to the letter (working on incorporating the organ meat as well, however). I suffer from severe psoriasis (also HTN and obesity) and I’m hoping to eventually get off the immunosuppressive drugs and maintain clearance through diet, as well as achieve healthy BP/weight. This is what motivates me. My husband on the other hand, is healthy as an ox (except for HTN and obesity), so he has less motivation other than the fact that I prepare all of his meals, and do all of the shopping, so unless he wants to start cooking/shopping (though I don’t see that happening any time soon, ha ha), he’s stuck with what I give him. This is what motivates him. All of the dairy, grains, legumes, and processed foods either went into the garbage or were donated. I now fill our fridge/freezer with organic veggies, pasture-raised/organic/wild-caught beef/chicken/seafood, and fermented foods, and line our cabinets with cans of coconut milk.
There is a definite learning curve with this diet, in how you shop, prepare food, what you eat, when you eat, how much you eat, etc., so if you do not have a lot of extra time/money/energy to get it all going right away, don’t get discouraged, just start working on one aspect at a time and incorporating that. Once you have a system down for that, then incorporate the next piece. Having a good blender for making smoothies is extremely helpful. My husband and I have dark leafy green smoothies every morning, with an additional protein source (such as a piece of chicken or beef). Because we are on different tiers, the actual ingredients of our smoothies vary, but both are incredibly nutritious and make for an easy way to start your day off with 2-3 cups of packed greens and a cup of berries. My smoothie is 3 cups packed dark leafy green (with preference for kale), 1 cup of organic berries, 1 can of whole coconut milk, and 1 tsp of spirulina. That’s it. It tastes like freshly mowed grass, lol… but when I’m drinking it, I tell myself it tastes like life, and I’ve actually acquired a taste for it.
For our other meals I do a lot of stir fry, crockpot, salads, etc. I buy organic lettuce and cabbage on Sunday, wash it, shred it, and put it in a big plastic container with small holes drilled in the lid to allow for air. Then I put a damp paper towel over the salad mix, and it will keep for about 5 days in the fridge. I also cook up organic chicken breasts by braising on the stove, and then store those in the fridge. I then use the cooked chicken for quick salads and stir fries. Not having to deal with raw chicken for each meal preparation saves me a lot of time and cleanup. We don’t just have chicken though, we eat grass-fed beef, wild caught salmon, shrimp, and Tuna, and occasionally will have nitrite free bacon. I now cook with grass-fed ghee (clarified butter) or coconut oil, and save the olive oil for making vinaigrette. I also cook up whole organic chickens in the crock-pot, take off the meat, then let the bones and any chicken leftovers (such as the wings) simmer in the crock with some onions, garlic, celery, etc., overnight to make a quick and easy chicken stock.
So when I first started this diet I went from having a constant low-energy state to being extremely lethargic, this is because I am doing the 3rd tier which aims to put you in a mild ketogenic state (fat-burn state instead of glucose-burn state). While your body is making adjustments, fatigue is a common side effect, so common in fact that it has a name: Low carb flu. If you jump into this diet with both feet like I did, be prepared that you may experience extreme fatigue at first, but rest assured this fog will lift, and leave you with more energy than you’ve had in a long time. Overall in the two weeks that I’ve been on this diet, my energy has increased dramatically. Lately I have been having so much energy that I don’t want to sit… I need to get up, I need to move around. I’ve started taking my dog on runs again, while I ride my bike. It’s a great feeling and one I haven’t had for a long time.
Other tips: Some organic/wild caught items can be very expensive. I can’t say this for all of the Costcos out there, but at least for the Costco in my area (Central Cali) I can buy a big bag of pre-washed organic mixed dark baby greens, wild caught salmon/shrimp/tuna, organic chicken, and big 3 lb bags of frozen organic berries for a fraction of the price you would pay for these items at a regular grocery store. There are other items I buy at Costco as well, but these are the big ones. Costco membership is about $60/year, but if that is too expensive for your budget, you can have a friend with a Costco card purchase giftcards for you, and with that, you can shop without a membership. For my other organic produce, I go to a grocery store.
Just two weeks into this diet, my husband and I are both losing weight effortlessly. At first my husband didn’t think he would lose weight, because we were eating things like ground beef, chicken with the skin on, veggies sautéed in ghee, and avocado on his salads… I said trust me… and sure enough, he is effortlessly losing weight (this is on tier two) without feeling hungry or deprived, and he has great energy, so he is finally really getting on board with this. At first, with all of the veggies, and lack of dairy/grains/legumes, he started to complain because he wasn’t happy with the meals. He said there wasn’t enough variation (but trust me, there was plenty of variation, and lots of thought put into our meals… he was just missing the variation that involved dairy/grains/legumes). So I had a “Meet Jesus” talk with him, and basically said I am putting a lot of effort into our meals, with all the shopping, cleaning and preparing of veggies/meat, and cooking, and then cleaning of dishes, and making his lunches, and getting up early to make his smoothies, and if he wanted to start adding back grains, dairy, processed foods to give him added "variety", I would do that, because I’m putting way to much work into this to not have it get appreciated, and those kind of foods are easier to prepare and store anyway, so it would save me a lot of time and effort. He said no, he didn’t want that… then I started reading excerpts from Wahl’s book to him, especially the part about how important veggies are (especially dark leafy greens and sulfer rich veggies). I’ve tried explaining some of this stuff to him, but no one says it more convincingly that Dr. Wahls! After that he was much more on board, and hasn’t complained once! And now that he is losing weight and feeling good, he’s starting to get really into the diet, and feel excited about it. I told him in 20 years when he has great health at 70, he is going to look back on this and thank me (and Dr. Wahls) for helping him maintain such robust health.
I highly recommend Dr. Wahls’ book, and highly recommend this diet for everyone, autoimmune disease or no. This is a diet that will nourish every cell in your body. Will I ever be able to get off immunosuppressants and maintain clear skin? That remains to be seen. But thanks to Dr. Wahls I have hope that I will be able to. And as a side effect, my weight, BP, and overall health will improve. 69 people found this helpful
The Blood Sugar Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.

The Blood Sugar Solution
I recommend this to all of my patients with diabetes or prediabetes!
Promising Review of The Blood Sugar Solution on Amazon
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on April 10, 2022Verified Purchase After years of following my doctor's advise to lose weight, with very little results, I found this book and lost 15 lbs in 8 weeks. I am down a total of 25 and still losing!! My doctor had me on Mediterranean Diet and then the Dash Diet. I followed them to a T, getting the books and cookbooks to make sure I was following the programs correctly. I did not lose 1 lb after following each for 4-5 months. Then I tried the Keto Diet and lost 9 lbs. initially but could not lose any more. I even had the pee strips to make sure I was staying in ketosis! Then I tried intermittent fasting and GAINED WEIGHT!!
I was suspicious I may be insulin resistant as my blood work was showing I had an A1c reading in the pre-diabetic range. So I researched and found Dr. Hyman's book - Blood Sugar Solution. I also had fatty liver, high cholesterol, triglycerides and high blood pressure.
Within 8 weeks of the start of my diet, I had lost 15 lbs and all my blood work was going in much better ranges! I am 5 months into the diet and have lost a total of 25 lbs., all my blood work is in NORMAL range, including my A1c, AND I am off my blood pressure medication! This book was a God-send to me!!
Please note - the program is NOT easy. As a matter of fact the first 2 weeks are very difficult, but I felt better and got the hang of it after 2 weeks and kept going. don't give up!! You have to be disciplined and know what you are eating. The book will help you with all of that. In addition, I take ALL the supplements, vitamins, minerals that are recommended in the book. It is a lot and the are not cheap. But the results are amazing! I feel great!! Would you rather spend money on vitamins and supplements or doctor's visit, medications, bigger clothes, time off work, etc etc?? 11 people found this helpful
The End of Dieting by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Promising Review of The End of Dieting on Amazon
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on May 10, 2019Verified Purchase This is a way overdue thank you for a truly transformative book. I did NOT buy this book to lose weight. Over the years, I had crept up from 160-ish to about 205. Feeling increasingly chunky, I made some common sense dietary changes and dropped to about 190. Then I realized that I really did not know what weight would be most healthy and that I didn’t know enough about nutrition. So, I read three books on the subject. This book was BY FAR the most helpful. While I didn’t follow the good doctor’s specific meal plan, I embraced the spirit by trying to make sure that I had a balanced diet of the six food categories which he refers to as the GBOMBS. Yes, I did lose more weight: In the 2½ years since, I have averaged about 150, a little more after vacations and less when I’ve been home for a while. More importantly, my wife and I have discovered an amazing array of new, mostly vegan taste treats. We eat VERY well. No, I’m not hard core; I have a glass of wine almost every evening, “splurge” about once a week with something less healthful and occasionally have desert. To me, the important takeaway from this book is that, if you think about what it has to say and adapt it to your own life in your own way, you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle, with more delicious meals into the bargain. Dr. Furhman, many, many thanks. 22 people found this helpful
Why Isn't My Brain Working? by Datis Kharrazian, PhD

Why Isn't My Brain Working?
Actionable Recommendations for Recovering Your Brain Health!
Promising Review of Why Isn't My Brain Working? by Datis Kharrazian, PhD
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 2, 2020 This book is an informative, thorough look at brain degeneration its causes and helpful strategies to revers it. It gives you a basic, understandable overview of brain chemistry, neurotransmitters, hormones and so much more. It give sensible doable solutions. A PhD Harvard graduate he trains doctors from all over the world. His website contains a list of doctors he has trained by state in the U.S that you can go to. 2 people found this helpful
The Adrenal Reset Diet by Alan Christianson, NMD
Promising Review of The Adrenal Reset Diet by Alan Christianson, NMD on Amazon
How to reset your adrenals Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on May 19, 2022Verified Purchase The biggest takeaway in this book for me was how to eat carbs to reset your adrenals. I've been on so many therapeutic diets, that I had forgotten how to eat carbs. This book helps knowing how to divide up different food to help balance your coritisol. 3 people found this helpful
The Plant Paradox by Steven R. Gundry, MD
Promising Review of The Plant Paradox by Steven R. Gundry, MD on Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars A program that can help us restore good health. Why not give it a try? Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 17, 2019Verified Purchase I finished reading the book 2 days ago and, because I sincerely acknowledge its valuable content, I'd like to share a review before you make any commitment.
I’ll divide it in 3 parts. First, I'll write thoughts about to whom I’d recommend reading it. Then, I’ll share a brief summary from each chapter. Last, I’ll express personal strategies to comply with the program.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to read any of the 2 previous Plant Paradox books yet, and would like to understand the program and hopefully give it a try, you are in the right place: this one piece will cover all. It’s a short, comprehensive, and actionable book. As Gundry says, the present book focuses on practical matters, specially for those who have a busy life and think the program is impractical.
If, however, you’ve already read any of the 2 previous books and are satisfied [or perhaps not] with what you've learned, please, save your money for the upcoming book—The Longevity Paradox. In fact, since I believe it’ll be groundbreaking, I’ve already pre-ordered it. Having said that, if you’re like me, who, even after reading and researching details over again, enjoy learning new findings over time, then this book here, in fact, brings new perspectives on how to interpret previous concepts.
If I could summarize the book in a few words, I'd say that it’s a revised edition of the classic program, where the content is laid out in a succinct and more practical way to be implemented. In other words, I sincerely believe Gundry’s main objective here was to make it easier, walking us through the program, step by step.
[Chapter 1] It’s a primer on lectins. We learn what the heck lectins are; the food sources high in lectin; the effects of consuming foods high in lectins; how lectins influence our weight; as well as the 7 deadly disruptors that damage our gut and immune system. It’s important to highlight them. They are: [1] broad spectrum antibiotics; [2] non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; [3] stomach acid blockers; [4] artificial sweeteners; [5] endocrine disrupters commonly found in plastics, personal care products, and household cleaners; [6] genetically modified foods and the herbicide roundup; and [7] over exposition to blue light specially in the evening.
[Chapter 2] Here we learn the details of the program itself: how it sets apart from other programs; how it can restore our health issues; how it can benefit those who wish to lose weight; and also about the 4 rules for success. I fell in love with them when I read the previous book, and will share here with you: [1] what you stop eating has far more impact on your health than what you start eating; [2] pay attention to the care and feeding of your gut buddies, and they'll handle the care and feeding of you; [3] fruit might as well be candy; and [4] you're what the things you're eating ate.
[Chapter 3] Now we delve into the 30-day challenge, where we learn the details of the 3-phase challenge—why, what, and when to eat during these phases—explained in an easy and comprehensive format. At the end there is a section on intermittent fasting.
[Chapter 4] This chapter starts with a list of the foods we'd want to stock our kitchen, and a list of those we'd want to avoid because they're either high in lectin or detrimental to our overall health. Then Gundry explains the details of certain foods we’d want to eat frequently due to their benefits. Some examples are: almonds, avocados, cassava flour, cauliflower rice, coconut, eggs, nori seaweed, and extra virgin olive oil. He then shifts gears towards the common pitfalls we habitually fall while choosing our food. Also, he shares common stores [such as Costco, Trader Joe's, Amazon, Thrive Market, Walmart] where we can purchase high-quality food without spending extra money when compared to what we’d spend following the Standard American Diet. Finally we find a description of Gundry's favorite kitchen equipments and how we can take advantage of them.
[Chapter 5] Here is where we learn practical strategies to start the program, making it easy to overcome resistance such as having a family to take care, demanding work schedules, stress, and so forth. Gundry shares ways to simplify our grocery list, notes on how to be more realistic towards our goals, as well as a handful and well-explained strategies to prepare our meals by maximizing the quality and taste while saving time. He finishes up with many suggestions on how to choose, prepare, and store ready-to-go snacks and meals whenever we need.
[Chapter 6] This is the one chapter that sets it apart from his previous books. Gundry addresses concerns we may face when dealing with specific needs such as tailoring the program for kids, parents, vegans, as well as for patients in extreme medical conditions. He doesn’t leave behind special recommendations for those on ketogenic diet. I don’t have kids yet, but I love the section about preparing kid-friendly meals. At the end of the chapter we find a short section about the importance of good sleep and hydration, as well as considerations on supplements.
[Chapter 7] This is a no-brainer 30-day meal plan, with all meals outlined. More than that, there is a weekly prep plan for each one of the 4 weeks. Recipes are found in the following chapter.
[Chapter 8] In terms of recipes, I’ve only had the chance to try two of them. The Salmon Avocado Bowl was delicious, which is made with avocado oil and cauliflower rice. The second recipe, which I tried yesterday, was the Sage and Mushroom Soup. Well, it’s aromatic and works perfectly as an entrée for cold evenings. Easy to prepare.
Although I’m fortunate to be in good health, I've been feeling better than ever after deciding to embark on Gundry's low lectin program late in 2017 after reading the main Plant Paradox book twice. I say twice because it was during the second read that I absorbed the details, and committed to try it out for the initial 6-week program. Not only my skin looks brighter, but I also have more energy during the day and my digestive system has worked smoother since I took the leap and adopted this lifestyle.
At first, the program Gundry proposes looks both daunting and difficult to comply. Even though I’d been following a combination of other similar protocols during the last couple of years from figures such as Joseph Mercola, Mark Hyman, Valter Longo, Chris Kresser, and Frank Lipman, having to make only small adjustments such as removing darling foods high in lectin such as cashews, eggplants, pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers was a difficult task. After all, Gundry added the lectin factor—a protein produced by certain plants used as a defensive strategy that can trigger a cascade of damaging effects on our health.
It took me over 10 years to fully comprehend my ways to keep unnecessary inflammation away while getting more energy. That journey started most probably because I’ve been fascinated about the impact of good nutrition on physical performance and the joy of sharing meals we prepare with loved ones.
I say all that because, choosing to give it a try, you will be jumping ahead decades of unbiased clinical and experimental researches. Although these experts I mentioned above are all brilliant, in my humble opinion Gundry’s program is the latest refinement.
That said, I'd like to share with you a strategy to ease the transition towards any diet you intend to try. First and foremost, we could think not as a “diet” but as a “lifestyle” instead. Besides creating a healthy and positive habit, we could embrace it as part of our own personal values. It doesn’t matter exactly where we’re right now as long as we vow to move the needle towards a more meaningful lifestyle.
For that, changes in our current diet can be done all at once or can be refined over time. Personally speaking, specially in terms of eating habits, I'd consider taking the time to create a strong and lasting connection with our choices—specially these days we’ve been emotionally and physically attached to food. For example, during the first week you could remove from all of your meals a group of detrimental foods such as sugar and artificial sweeteners while making sure to include at least two tablespoons of a high-quality extra virgin olive oil every day. Keep adjusting on a weekly basis while you get familiar with the program chosen until you take the leap and commit fully to the program. In this case, Gundry proposes an initial 30-day challenge. After all, what’s 30 days when we are supposed to live beyond 80 years given the right conditions?
Last, some people may claim that this lifestyle is expensive. Looking from distance it does look pricey. But trust me, it can be easily done spending less money than the Standard American Diet. I appreciate how thoughtful Gundry was to write the section “Food Shopping Tips and Tricks” where he shares notes on how we can take full advantage of Costco, Trader Joe’s, Thrive Market, Amazon, Walmart, and local farmers market. Besides that, throughout the book Gundry mentions specific brands to look for.
I’ve been on Phase 3 for over a year now. Finishing the book, I decided to come back to Phase 1 and follow the 30-day challenge, starting this coming Monday. It’ll be a positive reset.
Well, it turned out to be a long review. I hope it helps you in some way.
Take good care,
Haical Read less 4,174 people found this helpful
The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers, MD
Promising Review of The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers, M.D. on Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars VERY INFORMATIVE MUST HAVE BOOK Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 1, 2015Verified Purchase I like that the author covered the viral aspect of autoimmune conditions and the various infections that take place when the immune system is compromised. Her diet recommendations are good and again, based on your symptoms, may need to be modifed even more and curtailed to your condition and tolerance. She includes a lot of meat in her recipes but if if you can't break down proteins well, then eating more meat for some can backfire. I eat meat but limit my daily intake. If you can't digest proteins well, you might need to lower the sulfur/ammonia levels and that should be mentioned. Otherwise, the body can get too acidic. This is why it is important that you listen to your body. Not one program fits all because we are all genetically different. One reader wrote that Dr. Myers had neglected to include fermented foods but if you have histamine or yeast/candida/fungal issues (and viral), fermented foods or vinegars can worsen the symptoms and condition. For me I found the correlation in the sulfur allergy more related to an imbalance of some minerals, heavy metal toxicity, leaky gut, SIBO and genetic polymorphisms - see sulfur intolerance due to cystahtione beta synthase and sulfite oxidase (genetic testing helps zero in on this). Once you have addressed the deficiencies and diet (in my case lowering the sulfur and oxalates, thiols, etc) yeast and histamine issues, then fermented foods can be introduced gradually and are very helpful. But this another example of how something that works for one individual hinders another. Also all sugar (refined and otherwise) consumption needs to be reduced drastically and that includes even the use of honey or maple syrup due to the gut, which can include yeast issues among others. Bottom line, the acidosis needs to be reduced drastically and deficiencies addresses, such as minerals, etc., otherwise the pathogens will continue to thrive and you will relapse if you don't stay on a strict diet with supplements to help bring down the acid levels. Keep in mind that many of these pathogens cannot survive in an acidic environment. And each infection must be addressed one step at a time.
Her graphs and supplement guides are easy to follow without being overwhelming. I have to agree based on personal experience, that the gut issues, leaky gut, viral, bacterial and fungal, parasitical all need to be addressed - and in steps so your body does not relapse in trying to do too much at once. If you don't address the issues, your autoimmune and inflammatory symptoms can progressively get worse and morph into other autoimmune conditions. As for myself, I changed my diet entirely including a low histamine/oxalate diet, addressed the parasite/bacterial issue first (that took almost 2 months due to the SIBO related symptoms - Dr Myer's MICROBCLEAR supplement is amazing and I also followed some suggestions I found on the Heather Dane website that related to the CBS mutation I have), then the viral, then the fungal/yeast/histamine/candida. I found that when you treat SIBO, you must also treat SIFO, which is the fungal aspect - and not just the bacterial component. Also, I addressed possible HPylori (I followed the protocol by Ted in Earth Clinic but there are many) because that is often related but not discussed enough - even in this book (tests often show a false negative result) but if you address the imbalances such as mineral, etc, often things start to correct themselves.
I would highly recommend this new book by Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, The Toxin Solution to complement this book by Dr. Myers and also Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Diane Solomon. You will be able to understand and identify more with the infections taking place and how to address them to curtail them to what your body can tolerate.
If you can't afford all the tests, then consider taking one step at a time and not overdo it with too many supplements at once (carefully gage what works well for you by observing how you react with one supplement at a time) and also not to overtax your immune system. It is important that a strict diet be followed in order to heal the gut and that takes time - months, not just weeks. Once you heal the leaky gut, you will be able to absorb nutrients better and be able to take certain supplements you could not previously. It will take you a few weeks to get used to the diet so don't give up. I also like that Dr. Myers is very straightforward about avoiding gluten, dairy and grains whether you are are intolerant or not. Again, it is the fight for your life and it is safer to be on the side of caution and this way, your efforts will be more successful vs. being partially effective.
One other subject that is critical that none of these books are focusing enough on is the pathogenic fungal overgrowth that must be addressed. Otherwise, relapses occur. These pathogens not only grow in the gut but the cells as well. This all correlates and ties in with CFS, immune system complications, etc. So in not addressing this fully, many cannot heal.
If you can't make headway with the diet and supplements, look into the addressing the viral issues first to help reduce some of the symptoms as well as the heavy metal toxicity and lowering the acidity. I also incorporated acupuncture, homeopathy, massage therapy, sunshine and exercise (in limited amounts when I was very weak and then added more as my energy levels increased) through some rough patches as well as yoga to help lessen the feeling being overwhelmed at times when I started my journey. Listen to your body as you take each step. Try to steer away from antibiotics if you can as that can create a leaky gut issue and steroids as that can suppress the immune system. I had already incorporated many of Dr. Myers' suggestions before her book came out so much of what she has written has been published already but I like that she consolidated a lot so it becomes easier to follow for those just starting in this journey. She also included some great recipes, although I consume much less meat but for others, that may work just fine. Not every autoimmune book will contain all the information that is out there on the subject so read/investigate as much as you can and use common sense.
I use some supplements not mentioned in her book but Dr. Myers does list a lot of great supplements without being overwhelming. Much of my progress occurred once I stayed on the strict dietary suggestions (including a low paleo with enough carbs and protein to give my body the energy it needed without feeling hungry, incorporated the right supplements, and allowed my body to rest. Sometimes when I wanted something sweet, I would make a thick smoothie out of berries and ice. I ate foods that were easy to digest as well - nothing heavy or too seasoned. Again, be creative) and listening to my body vs. adopting partial versions that limited my improvement. Dr. Myers also addresses testing for Lyme and which lab to use for more accuracy. It may be helpful to also note that Lyme has different strains and co-infections which should also be tested. However, so you don't get overwhelmed, bring the acidosis down first so you can conquer the rest.
When the candida turns pathogenic, then you will see the correlation between CFS/viral infections/immune system problems, etc. I like The Whole Journey candida protocol by Christa Orecchio but there are others out there (also see website by Heather Dane) and the book by Diane Solomon:CFS. Christa Orecchio explains a lot on her website and again, if you can eliminate each infection one by one, this should help alleviate many symptoms and get to the root of the problem.
Again, I have found that what helped the most was to listen to my body and I read up on my genetic disposition to help myself. I found that many good doctors can lead you to improvement but they often just focus or specialize in one spectrum vs. the entirety. Given that we are each genetically different, I don't see how one protocol can work for all.
"More and more practitioners around the world are agreeing that there are three major aetiological factors underlying all chronic diseases – Fungal causes, Heavy Metals and Parasites. There is also a causal link between all three factors."
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension by Dr. Mark Houston, MD

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension
I recommend this to every patient who has hypertension!
Promising Reviews of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension by Dr. Mark Houston, MD on Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Very Informative Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 26, 2021 Easy to read, life changing info. Made lifestyle changes based on this book and saw a drop in BP after 4 days of being consistent.
My blood pressure had been really too high for a ... Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on November 30, 2014Verified Purchase My blood pressure had been really too high for a period of time, but I was resistant to taking medication. Predisposition to atherosclerosis was genetic but I was sure I could fight it and lower my blood pressure naturally and I did succeed for a period of time. However, I became lax about going to the gym, not drinking coffee and so on. When I began to have frequent fribillation and my blood pressure was uncontrollable, I gave in and filled the prescription that my doctor had given me months before. I was uneasy and worried about taking the medication even though it appeared to be working. My doctor is not open to explaining what she prescribes and so I had no knowledge about the way the drug worked. This book has very much allayed my fears explaining how the different drugs work and listing side effects. I feel very positive about the choice of medication as well as the alternatives I am using to naturally lower blood pressure and reverse the damage done to the endothelium. The book discusses in detail the alternatives I was already using: L-arginine, aged garlic, COQ10, to name a few. 3 people found this helpful
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